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Now downloading free:Pioneer hfe pioneer sx-p520 service

Pioneer hfe pioneer sx-p520 service free download

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This servicemanual is intendedfor qualified servicetechnicians; is not it meant for the casualdo-it-yourselfer. Oualifiedtechnicians havethe neces- sary test equipmentand tools, and have beentrainedto properly and safely repaircomplexproductssuchasthosecovered this manual. by lmproperlyperformedrepairscan adversely affect the safetyand reliability of the product and may void the warranty. lf you are not qualified to perform the repairof this product properly and safely,you shouldnot risk trying to do so and referthe repairto a qualifiedservicetechnician. W A R NI N G Lead in solder used in this product is listed by the California Health and Welfareagencyas a known reproductivetoxicant which may causebirth defectsor other reproductiveharm (CafiforniaHealth & Safety Code, Section 2S24g.Sl. When servicingor handling circuit boardsand other componentswhich contain lead in solder,avoid unprotected skin contact with the solder.Also, when solderingdo not inhale any smoke or fumes produced. 1. SAFETY NFORMATION I ( F O RU S AM O D E L N L Y ) O 1. SAFETYPRECAUTIONS ANY MEASUREMENTS NOT WITHIN THE LIMITS The following check should be performed for the OUTLINED ABOVE ARE INDICATIVE OF A PO- continued protection of the customer and service TENTIAL SHOCK HAZARD AND MUST BE COR- technician. R E C T E D B E F O R ER E T U R N I N GT H E A P P L I A N C E T O LEAKAGE CURRENTCHECK THE CUSTOMER. M e a s u r e l e a k a g ec u r r e n t t o a k n o w n e a r t h g r o u n d ( w a t e r p i p e , c o n d u i t , e t c . ) b y c o n n e c t i n ga l e a k a g e 2. PRODUCT SAFETY NOTICE current tester such as Simpson Model 229-2 or M a n y e l e c t r i c a la n d m e c h a n i c a lp a r t s i n t h e a p p l i - e q u i v a l e n tb e t w e e n t h e e a r t h g r o u n d a n d a l l e x p o s e d ance have special safety related characteristics.These metal parts of the appliance(input/output terminals, are often not evident from visual inspection nor the s c r e w h e a d s , m e t a l o v e r l a y s ,c o n t r o l s h a f t , e t c . ) . P l u g protection afforded by them necessarilycan be ob- t h e A C l i n e c o r d o f t h e a p p l i a n c ed i r e c t l y i n t o a 1 2 O V t a i n e d b y u s i n g r e p l a c e

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